Proposed alterations to a building within the Arrowtown town centre precinct and the construction of a commercial building will be discussed at a resource consent hearing in Queenstown next month.
The Jade Factory Arrowtown Ltd has applied for land use consent to undertake structural strengthening, repair, restoration, maintenance and conservation work on the exterior and interior fabric of its building at 32 Buckingham St.
It is also seeking consent to construct a two-level commercial building to the rear of the existing building.
Lakes Environmental planner Phillippa Riddell said the existing building was built in two stages, the first being in the 1870s and the second around 1920.
The site had been owned by the company since 2005 and the business revolved around a greenstone manufacturing workshop and retail operation.
It was not listed in the district plan as a protected feature.
Ms Riddell said the external appearance of the existing building would not change if consent was granted, apart from stone/plaster repairs and lime-washing of the exposed and previously treated exterior surfaces.
The two offices in the north section of the building would be removed, including all partitions, ceilings, wall linings and the boarded fill, with the original roof trusses, purlins and sarking being exposed and restored.
The front section of the building would also be strengthened structurally.
The proposed new building would incorporate the expansion of the greenstone manufacturing workshop and retail operation, with a maximum height of 6.4m above the original site level at its highest point.
A courtyard and "small mechanical hoist" was proposed between the two buildings, with a paved area of local river aggregate concrete between Arrow Lane and the eastern boundary.
Ms Riddell's report recommended consent be granted, subject to conditionsTwo submissions were received on the application, both conditionally in support.
The proposal will be heard by independent commissioners David Collins and Cath Gilmour on November 2 at the Crowne Plaza in Queenstown.