Feedback on harbour road

Examining updated road safety plans at the peninsula connection open day at Macandrew Bay...
Examining updated road safety plans at the peninsula connection open day at Macandrew Bay Community Hall on Wednesday (from left) Robin Murray, of Broad Bay, Ruth Seeney and Geoff Michael, both of Portobello, Isamu Nishikata and Daniel Knowles, both of Vauxhall, Dunedin City Council project manager Glenn O’Connor and Annette Cross, of Portobello Bay. Photo: Linda Robertson.
The updated plans for a road safety project on the Otago Peninsula were revealed at an open day on Wednesday.

The design, available on the Dunedin City Council website, shows a widening of Portobello and Harington Point Rds and the  inclusion of a shared path for cyclists and pedestrians.

Council transport group manager Richard Saunders said the detailed design plans "were almost complete" and had been updated in response to community feedback at an open day at the end of last year.

Feedback about the best spots to access beaches and  safely catch buses helped inform  revisions.

The peninsula connection open day at Macandrew Bay Community Hall on Wednesday allowed the community "one more chance" to give feedback before work went  to tender and Otago Peninsula Community Board chairman Paul Pope said.

"It’s a chance for people to say: ‘I launch my kayak here’ or, ‘We like to take the kids down looking for crabs here’, because the council [members] don’t know that local knowledge."

Broad Bay resident Lyndsey Garden said she gave the council feedback on the "fantastic project" on Wednesday.

Feedback included concern about the land stability at the slip-prone Grassy Point, where car parking bays were planned.

She would also like a bylaw so every bicycle had to have a bell to give pedestrians a "safer feeling" on the shared path.

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