Stricter rules for boats go to vote

Boaties on Lake Dunstan will be required to name their boats and ensure all on board wear life jackets if a list of recommended changes to the lake's bylaws is passed by the council this week.

A draft review will be put to the Central Otago District Council tomorrow.

The report from council parks and recreation manager Mathew Begg was created after considering results from a survey of 225 lake users, advice from the Lake Dunstan enforcement officer, changes in boating requirements throughout the country, and specific recreational boating uses on Lake Dunstan.

A major change to the rules would be the compulsory use of life jackets on boats under 6m. Now they are only required to be available on board.

The report said 67% of those surveyed supported the measure, which would make rules consistent with surrounding areas.

Another change was the requirement for boats to have names or registration numbers for identification. This was adopted in the draft bylaws despite only 32% of those surveyed supporting it.

The report said this requirement aligned with some South Island councils, but did not mirror Queenstown.

The new swimming-only areas of Fernbrook, Pisa Moorings and Old Cromwell will be added to the six that already exist.

The idea of separate areas for jet skis on the lake was considered in the review, which 50% of those surveyed supported, but it was not included in the draft bylaws.

It was thought that it could be better to spread jet skis around the lake, however there was currently no cluster of jet ski activity contributing to congestion and noise issues, the report said.

Several speed limit rules would be altered based on the use of different parts of the lake.

The review also considered extending the Lake Dunstan rules to Lake Roxburgh, but this was abandoned as the Otago Regional Council was developing a navigation bylaw for Otago waterways which included the area.


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