King returning

Mike King
Mike King
Mental health campaigner Mike King will return to Central Otago next week for the second month in a row, following an offer to give another presentation for the Otago Suicide Prevention Trust.

Trust chairman Janice Millis said the trust was ''absolutely overwhelmed'' when Mr King offered his expertise for a second time.

Mr King spoke in Cromwell last month and will address an event in Alexandra on July 27.

Mr King was in huge demand as a speaker nationwide but had told the trust he wanted to further support the mental health and anti-suicide work being done in Central Otago.

''He feels like he's making a difference in our community and we certainly think so, too.''

Feedback from those who attended Mr King's Cromwell presentation had been excellent and people said they appreciated his practical, pragmatic approach and the wisdom he had gained from dealing with his own personal challenges, Mrs Millis said.

''He's a guy that has gone through it [difficulties] and he just wants to be able to help other people learn from that.''

Mike King will speak at the Cellar Door, in Alexandra, at 7pm on July 27.

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