Givealittle appeal for luge

Geoff Balme said the summer luge would bring significant recreational, employment and economic...
Geoff Balme said the summer luge would bring significant recreational, employment and economic benefits to the Naseby region. Photo: Allied Press

The group behind a summer luge project in Naseby is asking  the public for help to enable the project to progress.

The Naseby Summer Luge Trust has launched an appeal on Givealittle to raise $15,000 towards the cost of establishing the luge at the Naseby Adventure Park, where there is already a winter natural luge track.

The former Coronet Peak "Cresta Run" summer luge was donated to the people of Naseby several years ago by its former owners Erna and Tonnie Spijkerbosch and David and Jenny Proctor. The stainless steel luge was valued at about $500,000, Naseby Vision chairman said.

It would cost about $150,000 to reconstruct the track in Naseby and donated goods, services and volunteer labour were estimated at $50,000, so about $100,000 of cash was needed, the Givealittle post said. This would mainly be used to pay for reconstruction materials, earthworks and landscaping.

The trust has so far received $30,000 from the Otago Community Trust and a pledge from another trust for up to $15,000. It wants to apply for funding from the New Zealand Lotteries Commission, but needs to have secured further funding before it can do that, and is hoping to achieve that through Givealittle.

There was "considerable local support" for the luge project, which was endorsed by Naseby Vision, the Central Otago District Council, Maniototo Community Board and numerous local and national groups and companies, the trust said.

"If you live and/or recreate in the Maniototo, have fond memories of the Coronet Peak Cresta Run, want your family to experience more great activities in Naseby or just want to see Naseby and the Maniototo continue to develop, please support us by pledging a donation."

Summer luge trust member and New Zealand Luge Association president Geoff Balme said the summer luge would bring significant recreational, employment and economic benefits to the Naseby region.It was hoped to have the summer luge track completed by the summer of 2018-19, the luge trust said.

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