Two hurt as SUV hits van, then house

Emergency services attend a crash involving an SUV, a parked van and a brick house in North...
Emergency services attend a crash involving an SUV, a parked van and a brick house in North Dunedin last night. PHOTOS: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
Students Carleigh Burns (left), of Canada, and Katie Guzzetta, of New York, discover their...
Students Carleigh Burns (left), of Canada, and Katie Guzzetta, of New York, discover their damaged Honda Odyssey.

Two people were injured when an SUV hit a parked vehicle, travelled through a fence and smashed into a brick house in North Dunedin last night.

The Ford Explorer hit a parked Honda Odyssey just after 9pm before crashing into the house in Great King St, just north of Howe St.

A neighbour said a ‘‘dazed’’ man got out of the Explorer after the collision and ‘‘fell on the ground’’.

Two female students, who live in the area but did not want to be named, brought him a chair to sit on.

‘‘He took some convincing,’’ one student said.

The Odyssey’s co-owner, student Carleigh Burns (20), of British Columbia, in Canada, said she was in a onesie and brushing her teeth in her flat in Great King St at the time of the crash.

She was getting ready to go to bed when she saw emergency services outside.

Her parked vehicle was empty and facing north when the SUV hit it, she said.

The ‘‘hard impact’’ had spun the vehicle around and badly damaged it.

She owned the vehicle with students Katie Guzzetta (21), of New York, and Stacey Squires (21), of Saskatchewan, in Canada.

Miss Burns was due to return to North America in three weeks and Miss Guzzetta was planning on taking it on a ‘‘road trip’’ before selling it.

Miss Burns said the Odyssey had been nicknamed Calypso and was the first vehicle she had owned.

‘‘She took me around New Zealand in summer. I had a bed in the back of her ... this is shocking, to say the least.’’

The vehicle was only insured for third party cover, she said.

A St John spokesman said two people were taken by ambulance to Dunedin Hospital.

One had a moderate head injury and the other received moderate injuries.

A large window in the house, which was believed to be part of City College, was badly damaged.

A section of State Highway 1 was closed last night while the site was cleared.

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