Concern over reserve prompts Doc response

Geoff Owens.
Geoff Owens.
Queenstown's Department of Conservation operations manager has admitted there are challenges managing a popular reserve in the resort.

Speaking at a public meeting on Monday night, Geoff Owen addressed nearby residents and users of Tucker Beach.

The meeting was prompted after neighbours expressed concern over how the reserve off State Highway 6 was used.

Issues included an increase in freedom campers, ''fly-tipping'' and alleged drug use.

Mr Owen said Doc listened but stressed it needed to be a ''collaboration'' between all parties involved.

During a round-table discussion, people were asked what Doc should be considering and what users valued most in the reserve.

Ideas included cleaning up the area, protecting wildlife, stopping freedom campers and ensuring it could be used for recreational activities.

Mr Owen said the reserve had not ''been a [Doc] priority''.

Resident Kelvin Middleton said Queenstown Disc Golf Club, had not obeyed Doc rules and claimed structures were constructed at the Tucker Beach course.

Queenstown Disc Golf Club chairman Hemi Te Awhitu said the club had permission to install baskets on the five-hole course.

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