One of the sufferers, a little lad named Dolan, has succumbed to the malady, but none of the other cases is considered to be of a particularly serious nature.
In order that the patients might be more effectively isolated, and at the same time receive proper nursing treatment, Dr Brugh made representation to the Public Health Department through the Dunedin Hospital Board for the use of the Kaitangata Hospital in which to place the diphtheria patients.
The department, recognising the urgency of the request, immediately gave notice that the Kaitangata Hospital was to be utilised for the purpose requested, and three of the patients were at once despatched to the hospital. The other four cases (which have occurred in two families) have been isolated at Stirling.
Though only eight cases have as yet been diagnosed as suffering from diphtheria, it is considered that this does not represent by a considerable margin the actual number who are affected by the malady.
This, if true, is a very serious matter, and where the presence of this dread complaint is suspected such should be immediately notified to the proper authorities, so that immediate steps might be taken to isolate the sufferers, and thereby help to prevent the spread of the malady.
The source of the outbreak is not definitely known, but it is considered that its introduction is due to a carrier. Some little time ago two or three families in the district were affected by a severe form of sore throat, and it is thought that probably one of those sufferers was a carrier.
•It is possible that the first train will run from Adelaide to Perth about the end of next August. The last link to complete the great railway from Northern Queensland to Western Australia lay between Port Augusta (in South Australia) and Kalgoorlie, a distance of 1051 miles.
Of this, 946 miles have now been completed, leaving 105 miles of track still to be laid. War conditions have delayed the work. The Broken Hill Proprietary Company, owing to the war and to persistent and irritating strikes, was unable to deliver rails and fishplates within the contracted time; and now, when the rails have been rolled, the utmost difficulty is being experienced in getting the shipping necessary to send the right proportion to the West Australian section of the work.
However, if the rails can reach their destination within reasonable time, the track will be sufficiently completed in August to allow trains to go through. The ballasting of the track will not then be completed, but it is proposed to run trains over the new line at an average speed of 30 miles an hour.
The journey from Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie, which will be made each way by two trains each week, will take 35 hours. The complete journey from Adelaide to Perth, under these conditions, should occupy between 50 and 60 hours.
•It has now been proved that a vessel up to 12,000 tons or even more can safely negotiate the channel in Otago Harbour. A steamer drawing 28ft of water on an even keel has been berthed without the slightest mishap. If the vessel had been drawing 30ft of water the pilot staff would still have been able to bring her in.
This is a record draught for any vessel which has yet visited Dunedin. The previous record draught of a steamer berthed at the port was on October 29, 1914, when a vessel arrived drawing 27ft 5in, but she was not on an even keel.
•The Commercial Bank of Australia (Ltd.) is now issuing from its branches in the dominion a new ten-shilling note. The note is printed from an engraved plate of attractive design, and measures about 7 inches by 3 inches.
The figure of Commerce occupies a place on the left-hand side of the note, while the words half-sovereign appear in the corresponding oval on the right. The name of the bank and the words ''Ten shillings'' stand out boldly in black lettering on a white background on the top and bottom panels.
The colouring of the front is black and buff, with green bordering, and there is a three-colour tint on the back.
-ODT, 27.4.1917.