Katter hair's breadth away from decision

Independent MP Bob Katter is a hair's breadth away from deciding which major party he will support to help form government.

But Mr Katter says he will wait for his fellow independents Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott to come to their decision.

"I'm not likely to be making a decision outside of the decision of my colleagues," Mr Katter, the member for the Queensland seat of Kennedy, told ABC Radio on Wednesday.

With the best will in the world there should be a decision by the trio of independents by the end of the week or early next, Mr Katter said.

Numerous conversations with Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Treasurer Wayne Swan, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey have filled Mr Katter's week.

"I've told them that these will be the things, I'm not drawing a line in the sand but I'm indicating to you where I think that line in the sand will fall," Mr Katter said.

Ms Gillard's refusal to rule out raising tariff barriers could cost Labour government.

Mr Katter said he wanted to keep Australia's agricultural industry alive.

While the average Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development subsidy tariff level was 49 per cent, for Australian agriculturalists it was six per cent and falling, he said.

"Do you really think that you're going to have any agriculture in this country in light of that competitive advantage that they enjoy?"

While Australia was blazing a trail by abolishing its tariffs, it would pay a heavy price, Mr Katter said.

"In 10 years time we'll say we're starving to death," he said.

It was "proof positive" as to why Australians voted for independent politicians, he said.

"Now get the message, the Australian people are starting to wake up to just how dumb their governments are."

Mr Oakeshott and Mr Windsor met with climate change experts Ross Garnaut and Sir Nicholas Stern on Tuesday but Mr Katter did not.

"I think their (Garnaut and Stern) positions are fairly lightweight," Mr Katter said.



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