Move to endorse Maori names

The use of Maori place names, in conjunction with their English counterparts, may be formally endorsed by Environment Canterbury (ECan) commissioners at their meeting tomorrow.

Some staff have been using the Maori names under an agreement reached with Ngai Tahu in 2003, but the commissioners are now seeking to formalise that.

A list of 22 names, ranging from the obvious Aoraki/Mt Cook to the lesser known such as Mackenzie Pass/Manahuna has been produced for staff.

Apart from the accepted use of Aoraki/Mt Cook with the Maori name first, the others will start with the English name.

ECan's external relations director Jackie Curtis, in a report prepared for tomorrow's meeting, is seeking to have commissioners "formally endorse commitment by Environment Canterbury for the use of Maori place names".

ECan and Ngai Tahu had agreed it was appropriate to use Ngai Tahu names for stated places within the Canterbury region, which included part of North Otago.

"It is important the [ECan] organisation demonstrate its commitment for use of Maori place names when preparing any future documentation for internal and external use," she said.

A list and map of names have been included with the report for place names within the Canterbury region.

Examples include:

Southern Alps/Ka Tiritiri o te Moana.

Mt Herbert/Te Ahu Patiki.

Kurow Hill/Te Kohurau.

Aoraki/Mt Cook Village.

Mt Grey/Maukatere.

Mt Nimrod/Kaumira.

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