Today last day of year for awards

Courtney Duncan.
Courtney Duncan.
It is the last day of March today and that means sporting minds should switch to the Otago Sports Awards.

Sponsored by ASB, the awards cover the year from April 1, 2016 to March 31 of this year so capture  plenty of sporting highlights.

From the performance of motocross rider Courtney Duncan to the deeds of the Caversham football side which won every game in the Football South premiership there have been many standout performances from southern sporting stars and teams.

There are many categories and this year, as usual, the quality of finalists is expected to be high.

The event last year was dominated by the Highlanders, which won the Super Rugby title in 2015.The franchise won the team of the year award while co-captain Ben Smith won the sportsman of the year.

White Ferns skipper Suzie Bates won the sportswoman of the year award.

Changes to the rules have opened up the awards to regional sides such as the Highlanders and the Steel.

Last year covers the Rio Olympics and rower Hamish Bond still qualifies for the awards as, although he lives in the North Island, he is still a registered member of the North End Rowing Club.

Nominations can be made through the Sport Otago website and will be open until just before Easter on April 13.The event, organised by Sport Otago, is set for the Dunedin Town Hall on May 19. Breakers general manager Dillon Boucher is the guest speaker. 

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