Revolver celebrates relaunch

Revolver co-director John Stapleton behind the lounge bar, one of the new features within the...
Revolver co-director John Stapleton behind the lounge bar, one of the new features within the live entertainment venue's new premises where the Ram used to operate, above lower Shotover St. Photo by James Beech.
Revolver celebrates its relaunch and rebranding in new premises tonight with a free concert starring high-energy Christchurch reggae drum'n'bass collective Taos.

Revolver co-director John Stapleton joined forces with new co-directors Matt Hirst, former Base Backpackers Queenstown general manager, and former Base chief executive Campbell Shepherd, of Sydney, to form Future Funk, which trades as Revolver.

The trio took over the lease on the bar formerly called the Ram, above lower Shotover St and opposite the old Revolver premises, in early April.

"We've known each other for a while, running neighbouring bars in a small town, and we've seen what each other can do," Mr Stapleton said yesterday.

"Similar businesses but different clientele, so now we're merged, [we will run] a bit more of a commercial enterprise, where we're still supporting alternative entertainment but incorporating the backpacker and bus clientele."

Mr Stapleton said Revolver "sort of plateaued" after about four years at the previous address. He saw growth potential in the new venue, which has at least twice as much capacity, the option of hosting three functions in three separate rooms, permanent decks in two rooms, and improved lighting and sound systems.

Mr Stapleton said the new Revolver would be more attractive to bigger acts, which wanted the opportunity of taking more on the door, while continuing to serve as a "surrogate clubhouse" for several sports groups.

A new crew of 15 part-time bar staff was employed.  The kitchen has been subleased to Fat Badger's Pizza, a new independent business operated by Anthony Waldock and River Booth.


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