Hearing is postponed

The hearing of an application to store and discharge treated sewage sludge on a Tarras farm has been postponed while the Queenstown Lakes District Council seeks legal advice.

The QLDC has applied to the Central Otago District Council (CODC) for consents to store up to 2000cu m of sludge each year on an Ardgour Rd property.

The application attracted 69 submissions, 65 of them against the proposal.

It was to have been heard by an independent commissioner on June 17.

"Our planners and the CODC planners have some discrepancies of interpretation of what's exactly required in terms of the consent, so we've been asked to get a legal opinion on that," QLDC strategic project manager Martin O'Malley said yesterday.

The matter was on hold but certainly had not been withdrawn, he said.


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