Child porn and bestiality images earn jail term

Storing child pornography and images of bestiality on his computer has landed an Ashburton man in jail.

After earlier pleading guilty, septic tank cleaner Shane Allan Harris, 38, appeared in Timaru District Court before Judge Michael Crosbie for sentence yesterday on two charges of making objectionable material and five of possessing objectionable material. He was jailed for two years and four months.

In 2005 he was jailed for eight months for making objectionable publications available for gain or by advertisement, the Timaru Herald reported.

His arrest came after tip-offs to the Department of Internal Affairs. Police searched Harris' Ashburton property in August last year.

The investigation revealed Harris had used the Google search engine to look for objectionable material.

Judge Crosbie said a psychologist's report said Harris' offending was maintained by a number of significant factors, including a deeply entrenched sexual attraction to children.

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