Linz lagarosiphon plan welcomed

akLagarosiphon. Photo supplied.
akLagarosiphon. Photo supplied.
A weed-control group is ''thrilled'' Land Information New Zealand (Linz) has adopted a 10-year-plan to deal with Lake Dunstan's lagarosiphon problem.

Linz announced yesterday it would implement a plan for controlling the lake's weed for the next decade.

It was created in conjunction with the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research.

Guardians of Lake Dunstan chairman Andrew Burton said the group was ''thrilled'' by the decision.

''We're delighted. It's a step in the right direction.''

The plan would involve ''more of the same'' in terms of using both herbicide and mechanical methods, he said.

It will prioritise controlling the weed in 15 ''high value'' areas such as boat ramps and swimming spots.

It will also allow Linz to identify more such areas.

About $100,000 is spent on the problem in the lake each year, split between Linz and Contact Energy.

The guardians hope to find more funders.

Linz biosecurity manager Dave Mole said the strategy set ''some achievable goals for the future''.

''The plan will ensure we utilise our existing resources more efficiently, so we'll wait and see if additional funds are needed as our annual work programmes are developed.

''But we have already allocated funding towards a more rigorous monitoring programme.''

The plan was endorsed by the Lake Dunstan Aquatic Weed Management Group, which comprises representatives from Linz and nine other groups.

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