Kevin Oglesby, 44, from Papatoetoe went to investigate a burglar alarm at a neighbour's house before returning to his own property where the dog came over a fence and latched onto him, the Weekend Herald reported.
He said the police dog handler was ordering the dog to release him but it was not until the handler had his hands around the dog's neck that the dog released its grip.
The bite severed a nerve in his little finger and puncturing his arm in several places.
Doctors at Middlemore Hospital reattached the finger nerve.
Mr Oglesby told his story after reading of another police dog incident when a lawnmowing contractor was bitten as he helped police track the teenage driver of a stolen car in Avondale on Thursday.
In February Auckland man Brett Abraham, 63, was attacked as he chased an intruder from his Epsom home.
Inspector Mark Hall of the Auckland dog section told the newspaper three incidents in four months was very unusual and the dog and handler from the incident with Mr Oglesby would be stood down until proven fit for duty.
Mr Oglesby said police had apologised and he bore no ill will.