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The Dunedin midwinter carnival procession.
Fireworks from the roof of Forsyth Barr are seen behind a large lantern from the Dunedin midwinter carnival. Photos by Craig Baxter.
Aurora Hill and Olivia Brodie with their homemade lanterns enjoying the carnival festivities.
The midwinter carnival procession delights the crowd as it proceeds up Lower Stuart Street and into the Octagon.
Spotlight on a magnificent fantail lantern in the Midwinter carnival.
The Dunedin midwinter carnival procession.
Midwinter carnival moving through the Octagon
Elaborate costumes in the Dunedin midwinter carnival.
A fantail-shaped is held high in the Dunedin midwinter carnival.
The Dunedin midwinter carnival procession.
Lanterns in the Dunedin midwinter carnival.
Multitudes of handheld lanterns at the midwinter carnival.
Lantern bearers parading in the Dunedin midwinter carnival.