Call for reports of bad driving

Police are urging people who may have seen examples of dangerous driving on State Highway 8 south of Alexandra yesterday to come forward, following the arrest of two Christchurch drivers.

Sergeant Ian Kerrisk, of Alexandra, said two men aged 20 and 21 were driving vehicles on State Highway 8 between Alexandra and Roxburgh about 11.30am.

Their allegedly dangerous driving led other motorists to contact police, who eventually arrested both drivers at Shingle Creek and charged them with dangerous driving.

Sgt Kerrisk said police received two complaints from motorists concerned about the drivers' behaviour and other motorists were likely to have witnessed it.

"They were travelling in convoy from Alexandra towards Roxburgh and overtaking other vehicles on blind corners and double yellow lines.

One member of the public was so concerned after being overtaken by one of the drivers, that he managed to get the driver to pull to the side of the road where he kept him detained until police arrived.

"Given the nature of the driving, we applaud him for his efforts in doing that, because the drivers were putting themselves and other road users at risk," Sgt Kerrisk said.

He said due to heavy Easter traffic, the potential for a crash was high, and he urged anyone who witnessed dangerous driving to contact Roxburgh or Alexandra police.

One of the men was driving a maroon-coloured late model BMW, and the other a red Toyota coupe.

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