Taxi camera call questioned

The cost of taxi-driver safety in Auckland and Wellington will be borne in part by Dunedin consumers, New Zealand Taxi Federation executive member Bill Collie says.

The optimal position for a security camera is just above the rear-vision mirror, New Zealand Taxi...
The optimal position for a security camera is just above the rear-vision mirror, New Zealand Taxi Federation executive member Bill Collie, of Dunedin, says. Photo by Bruce Munro.
Following yesterday's announcement by Minister of Transport Steven Joyce that security cameras were likely to be made compulsory in taxis in major towns and cities, Dunedin-based Mr Collie said the cameras were unnecessary in Dunedin.

However, cameras were likely to be introduced anyway and fares would have to rise to meet the cost, Mr Collie said.

"I think it will include all centres in the end," he said. "Customers would pay in the end, because the cost would have to be recouped somehow."

Yesterday's announcement came in the wake of the death of taxi driver Hiren Mohini in Auckland at the end of January.

Mr Mohini's death was the second of an on-duty taxi driver in 14 months. There were several serious assaults in the same period and there have been several reported incidents since.

"While there are a number of issues to be considered, all parties agree many taxi drivers no longer enjoy safe working environments - particularly at night and particularly in our main centres," Mr Joyce said.

But Mr Collie rejected the notion Dunedin was unsafe for taxi drivers.

"If I lived in Auckland or Wellington I would want some protection, but in this city, no," he said.

Mr Collie has been a member of the national executive since 1982 and has driven taxis for 33 years.

Dunedin taxi drivers, for the most part, were safe if they had the right attitude, he said.

"If you have the right attitude and get on with people, then you're OK.

"Dunedin is a small place. If you see someone today, you might see them tomorrow. But in Auckland you might never see them again. The greater population means there's more likelihood of trouble."

The main incidents Mr Collie could recall in Dunedin were the theft of money from a female taxi driver about seven years ago and a taxi driver threatened by a man with a knife about 20 years ago.

Mr Collie had a security camera in his taxi for five years until about eight years ago but did not replace it when he changed vehicles.

"I got a couple of runners with it. That was about it."

He estimated in-car cameras would cost about $1000 for an "adequate" model and up to $4000 for an "upmarket" one.

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