Suspected mushroom poisoning victims farewelled as 'pillars of community'

A public memorial has been held for Don and Gail Patterson, who died after eating suspected...
A public memorial has been held for Don and Gail Patterson, who died after eating suspected poisoned mushrooms. Photo: Twitter

The son of a couple who died from suspected death cap mushroom poisoning says his family is comforted knowing they will all be together again one day.

Simon Patterson said his parents Don and Gail Patterson were family-oriented, always generous to others and open-minded about people of different faiths and cultures.

The couple, both 70, died in hospital after their daughter-in-law Erin Patterson cooked them a beef wellington at her Leongatha home in Victoria's southeast on July 29.

"Mum and dad were very much a team," he said.

"The fact they died on consecutive days reflected the togetherness they had worked so hard (to achieve)."

Mr Patterson spoke about overseas trips with his father, including to the Mount Everest base camp.

Other younger climbers were struck by his father's fitness when he was then in his 60s, he said.

It was this that saw him survive an emergency liver transplant only weeks ago but then die because he was so unwell, Mr Patterson said.

His parents were devoted to God and lived by the mantra: "Preach the gospel at all times, use words if necessary".

They were adventurous in life and acknowledged death's reality - but they also knew that death was not final, Mr Patterson said.

In their last days at Austin Hospital, the family always told the couple, "see you later".

"It was comforting to know when we said see you later, we knew it was true," an emotional Mr Patterson told the service.

He thanked local churches, friends and family, the police in attendance and the Austin Hospital's ICU and liver transplant teams.

He thanked the broader community for giving them love, support and space.

The couple's many grandchildren also spoke in pre-recorded messages to the service.

The pair spent seven years in Botswana before they came to Korumburra.

About 300 mourners filed into Korumburra Recreation Centre on a dreary Thursday afternoon to farewell their much-loved neighbours.

During the service, Reverend Fran Grimes noted such a massive gathering was not "Don and Gail's nature or style" and described them as pillars of the community.

"They just got on with living generous lives quietly and without fanfare," she said.

Bob Dylan's 'Death is Not The End' played over a slide show of photos at the end of the service.

Mourners also had Gail's sister Heather Wilkinson, 66, in their thoughts after she too died following the lunch.

The Korumburra Baptist community has been praying for the recovery of Mrs Wilkinson's husband and local church pastor Ian Wilkinson, who remains in hospital in a critical but stable condition.

There is a small police presence outside the community hall on Thursday afternoon.

The couple was recently laid to rest during a private burial after the town was thrust into the spotlight over speculation about what led to the deaths.

Police believe the four people were all poisoned by death cap mushrooms.

Ms Patterson, who has not been charged, is considered a suspect.

The 46-year-old claims she made the beef wellington using button mushrooms from a major supermarket and dried mushrooms bought at an Asian grocery store.

Her estranged husband Simon was due to attend the lunch but pulled out, while her children were also out of the house at the time of the meal.

The children ate the leftover beef wellington the next day but Ms Patterson scraped off the mushrooms because they don't usually eat them, she said.

Ms Patterson said she ate a serving and later suffered bad stomach pains and diarrhoea, contrary to the suggestion of detectives that she did not fall ill.

The Victorian Department of Health is required to act if there is a food safety incident.

There have been no ordered recalls of mushroom products in the state since the suspected poisonings.