A teacher at a South Korean primary school has admitted to stabbing a seven-year-old girl who was found in cardiac arrest and later died in hospital, a police official said today.
Local surf life saving club South Brighton left the competition in its wake at the weekend’s 2025 South Island Championships, trumping nearest rivals Sumner by more than 200 points to take top club...
A landlord who says her tenant poisoned her dogs with chocolate has had her claim for compensation declined by the Tenancy Tribunal, and been told to pay $1320 to the tenant.
US President Donald Trump has moved to substantially raise tariffs on steel and aluminium imports, in a move that could boost the risk of a multi-front trade war.
Christchurch police have been interviewing witnesses and family members as they try and piece together what led to a woman being found critically injured at a park.
US President Donald Trump said Palestinians would not have the right of return to the Gaza Strip under his proposal to redevelop the enclave, according to excerpts from a Fox News interview.
The government's new Chief Victims Advisor has taken a swipe at ACT Party leader David Seymour over his handling of two criminal cases, saying he was wrong and out of line.
Hamas has announced it will stop releasing Israeli hostages until further notice over what the Palestinian militant group says are Israeli violations of the ceasefire agreement.
A sea lion seen with massive wounds from a shark bite should serve as a reminder to Dunedin beachgoers of who they are sharing the ocean with, experts warn.
A man who stabbed a woman then later made online sexual advances towards a 13-year-old girl has been sentenced to home detention for the second time in six months.