Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has touted a "breakthrough" with India on his arrival in New Delhi as both countries agree to start free trade negotiations.
The ACT Party is criticising Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi over a social media post that says his lawns are getting a "good f... hiding" because he's treating them like David Seymour.
Employers, unions and health and safety advocates are calling for engineered stone to be banned, a day before consultation on regulations for the material closes.
In an interview with Q+A's Jack Tame on Sunday, Associate Education Minister David Seymour has accused critics of the government's revamped school lunch programme of "nitpicking".
Originally intended to be in place for just four years, the exhibition featuring ultra-realistic figures of seven World War I servicemen and a nurse 2.4 times their life-size, had already been extended twice since its 2015 opening.
After a childhood filled with violence and facing jail at 16, a finalist for the KiwiBank Young New Zealander of the Year credits farming, family and forgiveness for allowing him to change his life.
New Zealand's Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has attended a virtual summit along with other world leaders to discuss the potential deployment of peacekeepers in Ukraine.
A tourist has managed to get a refund on a rental car hire after she crashed five minutes after leaving the hire depot while driving on the wrong side of the road.