A landlord who says her tenant poisoned her dogs with chocolate has had her claim for compensation declined by the Tenancy Tribunal, and been told to pay $1320 to the tenant.
Christchurch police have been interviewing witnesses and family members as they try and piece together what led to a woman being found critically injured at a park.
The government's new Chief Victims Advisor has taken a swipe at ACT Party leader David Seymour over his handling of two criminal cases, saying he was wrong and out of line.
Prisoners' pay rates need to be increased, say reform advocates, who have labelled the current rates of 20 to 60 cents an hour as practically slave labour.
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced New Zealand will play host to a global investment summit next month, as part of its plan to boost infrastructure and jobs.
An environmental group is at loggerheads with the country's herbicides regulator over its insistence that Roundup and its active ingredient are "not banned in any major regulatory jurisdiction".
Health New Zealand's new strategy to "fail early, fail often, succeed over time" when it comes to crucial data and digital operations has been labelled "unacceptable" by a union.