The Defence Force has taken the Selwyn District Council to the Environment Court over its refusal to ban residents living near an army rifle range from complaining about its noise.
A young man previously jailed for scamming property off Facebook Marketplace has been back to his old ways, this time ‘buying’ a vehicle and trailer worth $30,000.
A Health and Disability Commissioner report has revealed a doctor breached three codes after a botched surgery resulted in a man being left with one lung.
She's prepared to meet fringe unions with memberships in double digits, but the minister for workplace relationships has no time for the country's biggest workers' union.
Taranaki GP Keith Blayney earns less than his receptionist these days - but claims it's better than relying on the government's "flawed" capitation funding system.
Dozens of firefighters remain at the site of a scrub fire on the Lewis Pass Road in Canterbury, working to extinguish the blaze that forced evacuations yesterday.