A farmer found with dead lambs on his property, while other sheep were found with parasites or were thin and malnourished, has been jailed and banned from owning any animals.
A menu of mishaps means the government's school lunch provider is now facing new performance measures - including providing daily evidence of what it is serving up.
Labour leader Chris Hipkins has overtaken Christopher Luxon as preferred prime minister, and the centre-left bloc would be able to form a government based on results in the latest poll.
Getting online travel documents together and sharing private information with more foreign governments is frustrating and worrying, according to an aviation commentator.
A Department of Conservation (DOC) permit issued to NZTA Waka Kotahi allowing it to kill protected species at the Mt Messenger bypass site in Taranaki has been ruled unlawful.
A life-saving device that floats on rough seas and can be seen by satellites has been successfully tested in the Southern Ocean thanks to aluminium foil and gaffer tape.
A lawyer caught with explicit images of children that he shared on social media has been banned from practising again, a move he did not challenge at a disciplinary hearing this week.