A father who saw his 10-year-old son cling to his motocross bike as it flew through the air like a "rocket" believes his boy was killed the moment he hit the ground.
A man says delays in diagnosing a lesion on his right finger as a type of skin cancer led to the removal of his finger, lymph nodes and radiation therapy.
A man who hiked more than 12,500 kilometres across America, setting a speed record, is now going to attempt to traverse New Zealand in record time on the Te Araroa trail.
A decision to start using weight-loss remedies, which included living off two portions of soup a week, has cost a man almost $16,000 after he passed out and crashed into a tradesman's van.
Kiwi diplomats in the US have contacted Texas Senator Ted Cruz to clarify NZ's treatment of Israeli visitors, a spokesperson for Foreign Minister Winston Peters says.
Dame Iritana was a life member of the Māori Women's Welfare League, a Companion of the NZ Order of Merit and made a Dame Companion in 2009 for services to Māori education.