Defence Minister Judith Collins says the presence of Chinese warships carrying out live-fire exercises in the Tasman Sea is "unusual", but nothing Kiwis need to be worried about.
Electric Avenue organisers are already thinking bigger and better for next year's event - during a time when live music festivals globally are struggling to survive.
Blood cancer patients in Christchurch and Auckland will soon have a chance to join an expanded clinical trial using their own immune cells to fight the disease.
New Zealand's "road lobby" uses the same tactics as the tobacco industry to obstruct transport policies like walking and cycling, a new University of Otago study says.
An elderly tenant who complained to his landlords about the noise on the shared property - and said it was interfering with his afternoon naps - was told to "p*** off" if he was not happy with it.
Staff at Oceania Healthcare rest homes are worried plans to cut the number of nurses and caregivers rostered will put elderly residents' safety at risk.
China's activity in the Tasman Sea shows it wants to establish a permanent military presence in the Pacific - and NZ must prepare, an international relations expert warns.
China will be able to establish a "significant strategic presence" in the Pacific due to its new deal with the Cook Islands, a security studies professor says.
Investigations have revealed around a quarter of police staff who accessed the national database for information about Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming's death did not have legitimate reasons to do so.
Multiple churches and a funeral home in Masterton are now crime scenes, as police investigate possible early-morning arsons in which petrol bombs were used.
A $4.5 million funding boost has been promised for conservation body QEII National Trust to support its partnerships with landowners to create protected pockets of land under covenants.