Police dogs were deployed to the Dunedin suburb of Mornington after an allegedly drunk man crashed into multiple parked cars in the area before fleeing into the bushes.
Portions of Pennsylvania, New York and Mid-Atlantic and Southeast states were still under a National Weather Service watch for damaging wind and tornadoes, as the death toll from weekend storms...
A Dunedin man was wearing a gang t-shirt and armed with a knife when he jumped onto a boat in Otago Harbour and threatened the fishermen onboard, police say.
A Dunedin teenager who was asked to take a man forbidden from driving to the dairy got more than he bargained for when all four wheels flew off mid-drive.
Employers, unions and health and safety advocates are calling for engineered stone to be banned, a day before consultation on regulations for the material closes.
Fire ripped through a packed nightclub early on Sunday in the North Macedonian town of Kocani, killing 59 people and injuring more than 150, officials said, after sparks ignited...
In an interview with Q+A's Jack Tame on Sunday, Associate Education Minister David Seymour has accused critics of the government's revamped school lunch programme of "nitpicking".
Originally intended to be in place for just four years, the exhibition featuring ultra-realistic figures of seven World War I servicemen and a nurse 2.4 times their life-size, had already been extended twice since its 2015 opening.
South Dunedin already has high exposure to a range of natural hazards and mitigation will have to be stepped up to enable the community to adapt, a report has found.
A mental health advocate says she could not be more proud after seeing the caring Dunedin community turn out for a charity walk in support of suicide prevention.
Careful navigation of Bath St’s subterranean "spaghetti junction" was required to carry out some of the most complex underground work in Dunedin’s history, the project manager says.