Pool's tiles 'didn't hold up' to the heat

The therapeutic spa pool was closed for repairs at Mosgiel's Te Puna o Whakaehu swimming pool in...
The therapeutic spa pool was closed for repairs at Mosgiel's Te Puna o Whakaehu swimming pool in March. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Problems with the tiles in the spa pool at Mosgiel’s new aquatic centre earlier this year were due to their incompatibility with the water temperature, it has been disclosed.

The pool was closed for several weeks from March while the problem of tiles lifting off the surface was rectified at the contractor’s expense.

Dunedin City Council parks and recreation acting group manager Heath Ellis told the council’s community services committee last week the type of tiles in the spa pool had not been used at such a high temperature before.

The spa pool at Mosgiel’s Te Puna o Whakaehu complex is heated to 38°C.

"They basically didn’t hold up to the conditions they were in", Mr Ellis said.

The tiles were replaced with a tried and tested model, he said.

Te Puna opened a year ago and it has proved to be a popular facility.

The total number of visits exceeded 120,000 from July last year to the end of March this year.

The business case for the pool predicted there would be 140,000 visits for the first full year of operation.

Opening of Te Puna led to an initial drop-off in visits to Dunedin’s Moana Pool, Mr Ellis said.

Annual figures showed an increase in usage of aquatic facilities overall, he said.

The report for the committee said demand for pool space at aquatic facilities at peak times was a constant challenge.

"We have competing sports like water polo, diving, underwater hockey, synchronised swimming all competing for deep-water space along with our aqua jogging population, casual users and aqua aerobics classes", the report said.

Refurbishment work had also continued at Moana Pool which sometimes required its closure.

"This proves challenging for staff and [the] public as there is disruption and temporary changes to people’s daily routines, available space or activity."



