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Full crew makes short work of posies

Cobie Smith (9) gathers the posies created in the HMNZS Toroa Dunedin naval reserve headquarters...
Cobie Smith (9) gathers the posies created in the HMNZS Toroa Dunedin naval reserve headquarters yesterday. PHOTOS: PETER MCINTOSH
The atmosphere was upbeat in Dunedin yesterday morning as thousands of Anzac Day posies were created from rosemary and red paper.

About 70 volunteers flocked to HMNZS Toroa Dunedin naval reserve headquarters at 9am, and worked so quickly they were able to finish early, creating 4300 posies within two hours.

The posy-makers included families, students and teams of colleagues from different workplaces around the city.

For 58 years the Returned and Services Association and wider community have made the posies to lay in the soldiers' area of the Andersons Bay Cemetery on Anzac Day.

RSA administrator Sally Turner said there were a number of volunteers who had made the posies for ``quite a few years''.

Among the key helpers was Gladys Nilson (86), who was first asked to help at a J Force lunch and had been making posies every year for about 15 years.

It was good to see the interest in Anzac Day from different sectors of the community, she said.

 NZI staff Daryl Inch and Laura Paterson are among about 70 people creating posies of rosemary...
NZI staff Daryl Inch and Laura Paterson are among about 70 people creating posies of rosemary and red paper yesterday morning, to place at the soldiers' area of the Andersons Bay Cemetery.
Her neighbour's children had donated some of the rosemary for the posies, and had retrieved a ``whole clothes basketful'' from the garden, she said.

Laura Paterson, who was there with colleagues from insurance company NZI, said the posy-making was ``really good team-building to do''.

A few people were so keen they started early.

``We probably had about a table and a-half full of people by 8.40am,'' Ms Turner said.

``We were all cleaned up and finished by about 11am.''

Tea, coffee and Anzac biscuits were provided to volunteers.

The posies would be laid by girl guides, pippins and brownies at a ceremony at 9.30am today, Ms Turner said.



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