Street design feedback sought

The Bath St renovation is on the home stretch, the proposed final design is in the works and the public have been invited to have their say.

The Dunedin City Council has released a draft design for Bath St that recognises the area’s history, retains all but two carparks and increases lighting.

Bath St is the location of Dunedin’s historic shoreline and is close to Ngā Moana-e-Ru, an original waterway and mahika kai (food-gathering) site.

To recognise its place in the city’s history, the draft plan has used "ara moana", or the pathway to the sea, as the overriding theme for the new look.

The council has proposed removing the kerb and channel to create a single-level space.

Also included are increasing light levels coming into the alley, adding new poles and luminaries and adding artistic lighting projections to two buildings.

Seating areas opposite food and beverage outlets and the installation of a drinking fountain have also been proposed.

At the George and Bath Sts intersection, the council has proposed a rainbow crossing, with a smaller version installed at the Stuart and Bath Sts intersection.

The council said while the final makeover design was still taking shape, the "make-under" continued and work was due to be completed by April.

The street is closed to through traffic, but pedestrian access will remain. — APL

