A statement released this afternoon said the facilities closed at 4pm today and will remain closed for the duration of the pandemic or until the Government announces a return to 'level 1' on the newly created alert system.
The Edgar Centre, which is owned by the DCC, is also closed until further notice.
Other DCC run facilites, such as the Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Toitu, and the Chinese Garden would remain open as "good social hygiene is more able to be maintained in these facilities", the statment read.
The measures are in line with new nation-wide guidance developed for local government and are being rolled out across the country.
Well, if we had nationwide testing we could at least function a bit more normally. But, for now, it appears we shall sit at home, cross our fingers, and hope we don't get sick. While Jacinda smiles and assures us all everything will be ok if we wash our hands. Why wait for our medical staff to be over run?
OR, we could be pro-active, train those who are willing and have lost their current employment, then redeploy to help restrict and confine the virus by regular nationwide testing. Instead of paying benefits, train people and pay them to track and trace through blanket TESTING.
Buzz, and what will they test with? maybe you didn't;t read that article else where they testing kits an endless supply. these are measures to restrict the increase of people getting it
For example, on the 27th of February a Korean firm developed a test called 'COVID-19 Ag GICA'. This test gives a result in 10 minutes. Drive through testing using other methods with fast turn around are being used in many countries now.
As to what will we test with? Exactly what they're testing with. Surely we have the manufacturing capability here.
Two companies Nurx and Carbon Health have developed home testing kits, and they're ramping up quickly. A test is not a cure, however, with the fact we are in a lockdown, if everyone was tested as quickly as possible, our domestic economy would be able to function a lot sooner. Weigh up the cost of a test compared to stockpiling food, acute medical treatment, job losses, loss of Tax to the government. There must be a company out there in NZ that can implement this? Failing that, our government should be looking overseas for the technology requirements and get a national testing programme underway as soon as practical. Lets face it, waves of testing is better than waves of infections isn't it?
It's not good enough that the DCC has to be guided by the government we need our local government to take action on a local level. When will our city leaders wake up to the seriousness of this crisis? Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. The economic and social impact will be huge. Hawkins as elected leader of this city you need to come out of hiding, put your big boy pants on and start making some tough decision. Your actions now could save lives, businesses and livelihoods. Your inaction could cost them. People are already suffering and so far you have done nothing to protect them. You need to stop being reactive and start being proactive. You need to get ahead of this NOW! The city and most of its people are in for some hard times, I think that trip to museum can wait!
Pat, The Government (GM) is in Command, with the Local Government (LG) falling under them taking direction from the GM with the PM in the picture, the LG advising the GM and seeking options for local cities. That is so the GM is in the picture so when another city or town has a problem they are not re inventing the wheel, other wise you will have a Sh^t fight and mixed messages and direction, one might call it a Chain Of Command (COC). I'm the first to Bag the DCC and Current Mayor, but IMHO he has stepped up to the plate and taken charge or been the face of the Council while others have huddled and come up with a plan, A big ups to him. You would never have seen Cull doing this he would have been too busy sweeping left overs of other business under the Carpet. Still waiting for the Mayor to announce a rate freeze, and halt to unnecessary projects for Dunedin. Contracts should have a clause to allow this, otherwise look at the drafters of such contracts..
With respect SinceLeft, I think you will find that Local Government has more power than you may realise. Think back to the water problems on the North Island East Coast for example. Illness and deaths very tangable, and yet the Local Body Council had the power to enforce water sourcing and restrictions. Aaron and his advisors would do well to look at what they actually could do locally, we're all in this together, our livelihoods are at stake. For one, they could instruct the Otago University, in the benefit of their country and community to leave no stone unturned in their collective efforts to ONE, find a solution to implement widespread testing, TWO, collaberate wholly with business and manufacturers, in the goal to find a vaccine. Yes, research is being done overseas, and yes, Otago Uni may well be involved. But let's hear about it. Let's see some messages of genuine hope. For what is the point of our society if our most educated and resourced fail to pull out all and any stops to find solutions when they are needed the very most? Business's are well used to challenge's, they will rise to this like a trout to a mayfly.
And yes Aaron, time to reconsider rate rises.
I hope that the DCC can see that the effects of this pandemic could last for many many months if not years. Many ratepayers will lose their jobs, and some will have less hours of work. Many businesses will fail, and we will have a large number of empty shops as more businesses struggle to make ends meet. I hope the DCC stop with their continued and prolonged rate increases, year after year, and help to ease the pain for many of their constituents. Yes, we still need to invest in essential services and infrastructure, but all vanity and non essential projects should be put on hold until we know the extent of this pandemic and the economic fallout
C'mon Bidrose and Hawkins..... councillors salaries and city Rates freeze should for now be a mandatory no brainer!