Unusual demand at Christchurch ED - not a staff shortage - led to the plea for patients to seek non-urgent medical treatment elsewhere, Health NZ says.
A man living in a Wellington social housing complex recently deemed quake-prone says residents need stability and hopes some will be able to stay while work's carried out.
The University of Otago could be staring down the barrel of significant job cuts amid fears the government is about to cut a funding lifeline, an advocate has warned.
An allocation of government money connected to Three Waters in Dunedin has ended up being rather different from the city council’s initial application.
Having an opinion has never been a problem for a Dunedin student who has gained a top-level scholarship in history — and he still has two more years of school left.
Christchurch Hospital's Emergency Department is asking people to seek medical treatment elsewhere - unless it's life-threatening - as it struggles to cope with an influx of patients.