When Queenstown’s tourism economy stopped overnight in March, so did income for thousands of those renting out homes or rooms on Airbnb-type platforms.
If business wasn’t tough enough for Queenstown’s hospo outlets before the Covid-19 closedown, it’ll be far more on a knife-edge once lockdown ends even if there’s less competition. Philip Chandler talks to four long-time operators about how they’ll fare in the new order.
The patron of the New Zealand Maori Golf Association has hit back at criticism of the korowai cloak it commissioned for the winner of the recent NZ Open golf tournament.
A Queenstown volunteer firefighter is helping to give free accommodation to weary Aussie firefighters needing a break from fighting devastating bushfires.
Getting involved in the community was second nature for Arrowtowners Alison and Nigel Douglas. Nigel goes over their local highlights with Philip Chandler, explains why they’ve left for Geraldine,...
A Queenstown tourist operator believes the New Zealand government’s coronavirus-induced travel ban on Chinese is an over-reaction that’ll damage the resort.