Southland lawyer avoids conviction after assault Southland lawyer avoids conviction after assault A Southland barrister who downed a bottle of spirits, grabbed his fiancee by the hair and slapped her in the face has escaped conviction.
Rugby referee penalised Rugby referee penalised Police have blown the whistle on an award-winning Otago rugby referee after he blew a ''shockingly high'' breath-alcohol level.
Fraudster successfully appeals sex conviction Fraudster successfully appeals sex conviction A fraudster has had a sex offence wiped from his criminal record after a successful appeal.
Rebels team-mates may discuss assault Rebels team-mates may discuss assault A Melbourne Rebels rugby star and the team mate he allegedly attacked may sit down to discuss the incident.
Benefit fraud and drug convictions Benefit fraud and drug convictions Between 2011 and 2017, Leon Honey had eight jobs.
Rebels may have to meet after Dunedin incident Rebels may have to meet after Dunedin incident A Melbourne Rebels rugby star accused of beating up his teammate in Dunedin may sit down with him for a restorative justice conference.
Man jailed for his part in robbery of taxi driver Man jailed for his part in robbery of taxi driver A Dunedin man with ''major mental-health illnesses'' has been jailed for more than two years after robbing a taxi driver of $100.
Judge admits bailing teen was wrong Judge admits bailing teen was wrong A judge has shouldered responsibility for bailing a teenager on serious charges who went on to commit a ''horrific'' assault on an 18-year-old woman.
Smashed into 2 cars, drove BMW on rims Smashed into 2 cars, drove BMW on rims A Dunedin real-estate agent smashed into two cars and drove his white BMW home on its rims, a court has heard.
Dunedin man pleads guilty to dangerous driving Dunedin man pleads guilty to dangerous driving A Dunedin real estate agent smashed into two cars and drove his white BMW home on its rims, a court has heard.
Confiscated car returned, interlocked Confiscated car returned, interlocked The new drink-driving interlock laws have been tested in the High Court, which has meant the confiscation of a vehicle has been overturned.
Man found with ammo after chase denied parole Man found with ammo after chase denied parole A Dunedin man found with more than 500 rounds of ammunition after a high-speed police chase has been declined parole.
Attacker loses bid to have prison sentence reduced Attacker loses bid to have prison sentence reduced A woman whose drunken Christmas Day attack left a former friend scarred has failed to have her sentence reduced.
Man's sentence reduced, despite 'troubling' aspects Man's sentence reduced, despite 'troubling' aspects A Mosgiel man has had a jail sentence converted to home detention despite a High Court judge finding his behaviour ''immensely'' troubling.
Orientation Week walks not innocent Orientation Week walks not innocent A Dunedin motorsports driver said he was walking around the student sector late at night during Orientation Week because he was trying to lose weight.
Lewd act-accused: 'Your record's not exactly flash' Lewd act-accused: 'Your record's not exactly flash' A Dunedin man who flashed his genitals while at a bus stop claimed he was "adjusting his trousers'', a court has heard.
Dunedin man guilty of burglary Dunedin man guilty of burglary A Dunedin man said he was walking around the student sector late at night during orientation week because he was trying to lose weight. The truth was much shadier.
Shriver brilliantly sharp in short story collection Shriver brilliantly sharp in short story collection Rob Kidd reviews Property, By Lionel Shriver, published by HarperCollins.
No jail for home detention breach No jail for home detention breach A woman who pushed her husband down a flight of steps to his death could have ended up behind bars after breaching her home detention sentence.
‘Huge fall from grace’ for young leader ‘Huge fall from grace’ for young leader A young Maori leader and leading voice in the battle against bullying has suffered "a huge fall from grace", a court has heard.