Skyline Enterprises Ltd (SEL) is one step closer to its multilevel car park, but the company will need to ensure — subject to consent — it caters for all users of the recreation reserve on which it...
A Queenstown Lakes district councillor has raised concerns over the council’s submission on the proposed Overseas Investment Amendment Bill, labelling one aspect of it as "fearmongering".
Divers will work by hand and with underwater chainsaws in Lake Wakatipu tomorrow fighting to keep lagarosiphon out of the water, in an operation that has not been attempted before.
All overnight camping will be banned at three reserves around Lake Hayes, including the pavilion and show grounds, and a slightly expanded area at the Shotover Delta, from February 16.
The Remarkables Primary School board says the school is in a "positive place" as it starts the 2018 school year, but its limited statutory manager will continue working with the board.
The Queenstown Lakes District Council will be asked to restrict all overnight vehicle access to two of its trouble freedom camping spots until its bylaw can be reviewed.
Almost four years to the day after United States philanthropists Debbi and Paul Brainerd bought a 1.6ha site in Glenorchy, the doors will officially open on their pioneering Camp Glenorchy project.
Queenstown Lakes Mayor Jim Boult says he will be raising issues with the Southern DHB in respect of Lakes District Hospital with the Minister of Health.
A patient at Lakes District Hospital says the temperature inside the building was ''absolutely roasting'' and he was sweating while inactive last week.
Staff at Lakes District Hospital are working in ''untenable'' conditions and fear someone will die if the Southern DHB does not act quickly to address their concerns.
Queenstown Lakes Mayor Jim Boult says he was disappointed the ORC chose to prosecute the district council after sewage was discharged into the Kawarau River.