Solid Energy's controversial plans to utilise billions of tonnes of Southland lignite appear to be at an end as the company fights for its financial survival.
Telecom's first-half 2013 report today is likely be to scrutinised for its strategic outlook and review process, as much as its bottom-line result.
Auckland International Airport (AIA) upgraded its full-year profit guidance yesterday, following an 11% boost to its half-year to December after-tax profits to $76.9 million.
Auckland International Airport is expected to report a 4% increase in its after-tax profit for the first half of the 2013-14 financial year.
Fletcher Building has delivered an increased after-tax profit, bettering analysts' expectations.
Contact Energy's almost 30% profit boost to $88 million for its second half-year was in part due to overflowing southern hydro lakes and Contact's expanding portfolio of energy sources.
The economic performance of Otago-Southland's services sector during January has ''flattened considerably'' into contraction, after three previous months of expansion.
A senior Dunedin lawyer has been suspended from practising for six months after admitting to falsifying a will by backdating it.
Fletcher Building is expected to take a dip between 4% and 8% in after-tax profits - or $157 million to $146.6 million for its first-half results - but backed up with $75 million of cost-cutting measures in place.
Freightways yesterday posted a $20 million, 10% increase in profit, as expected by the market, but with the whittling of margins in some areas.
Dunedin jobs are to go at cash-strapped Blis Technologies, which is restructuring and moving out of its University of Otago address at the Centre for Innovation to new premises.
Double-digit profit-after-tax profit growth is expected by brokers of Freightways when it reports next week, reflecting building momentum in its revenue earnings recovery.
A continued tough trading environment for Steel & Tube did not stop it improving its margins and boosting its half-year after-tax profit about 10%, to $7.3 million.
East Otago-based Oceana Gold says its Philippines gold and copper mine will make it one of the lowest-cost gold mines in the world.
Overall, food prices rose almost 1% on a year ago - led by fruit and vegetables - and are predicted to continue upward for the rest of the year after being static for the past five months.
Manufacturing in Otago and Southland during January has slipped into slight contraction, after leading the country's four regions for two months, while the rebuilding of Christchurch appears to be gathering impetus.
SkyCity has booked a 15% decline in profits for the half-year to December at $66.3 million, after enjoying an $11.5 million boost from the Rugby World Cup in the same period last year.
A more than $1 million business expansion is nearing fruition in South Dunedin, with 18-year-old Otago Cleaning Supplies readying for the shift into its purpose-built premises.
The Aspiring Lodge Motel in Wanaka's tightly held central business district site is on the market for the first time in 20 years.
Bellwether company Steel and Tube will be one of the first to report in the listed companies' financial reporting season this week, brokers expecting its profit to be up by between $6.6 million and $6.9 million, in line with earlier guidance.