The housing boom continues unabated.
Greece's rejection of bail-out austerity conditions and weak Chinese trade data prompted stockmarket declines around the world, as the future of the euro zone comes under scrutiny.
Fuel prices continued their upwards march yesterday, rising again for the fourth time in the past nine days.
The university investment sector in Dunedin finished the year with a flourish in the fourth quarter, but overall sales volumes were down 13% for the year.
Construction and infrastructure giant Downer EDI has reported a revenue and profit dip for its half-year trading, dragged down by its flagging Australian operations.
Dunedin real estate agent Tim Barnett has been censured and fined by the Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA) - a decision which is under appeal - over commission on a more than $700,000 commercial building.
Three members of Dunedin's Sievwright real estate family and employer Edinburgh Realty have been censured and collectively fined more than $17,000 for ''unsatisfactory conduct'' by the Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA).
Otago retailers may have registered a boost in January sales, as the province booked an 8.2% increase on card spending, the second-largest percentage gain of 17 regions across the country.
New Zealand's labour force has grown by 36,000 people during the past quarter to a record high and participation reached a record 69.7%.
Housing values nationally have taken another leap upward, principally driven by Auckland with its $775,555 median house price for January.
The reaction to Kathmandu's shock profit warning, which wiped more than $100 million from its market capitalisation, eased yesterday, but not before its share price halved on a year ago.
Shares in sports and leisure retailer Kathmandu were savaged to a more than two and a-half-year low yesterday, after warning its previous $11 million profit could plunge to a loss of up to $2 million, for its forthcoming half-year resultKathmandu shares plunged more than 25%, down 51c, to trade down to $1.50.
Southern oil and gas evaluation will be continued by New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) throughout 2015, at its two permits in the Canterbury Basin and the other in the Great South Basin.
The national construction sector finished 2014 on a seven-year high, with residential building consents up 16% on the back of apartments built.
A strong finish to Oceana Gold's calendar year gold production has prompted expectations of an 8% earnings boost to forthcoming 2014 results, by brokers Forsyth Barr.
South Island listed companies gained almost $700 million in market capitalisation for the quarter to December, with the Deloitte South Island Index ending 2014 at a seven-year high.
Bathurst Resources' enforced plan to wait out slumped global coking coal prices has slashed its executive board numbers to four in the latest round of belt-tightening.
Post-Christmas and January sales provided a welcome revival for Briscoes fortunes, the company recording a 4.8% increase which boosted sales beyond $500 million, for the year to January 25.
Copper whisky making stills from Scotland, bound for a $5 million distillery in the Cardrona Valley in Central Otago, arrived on Dunedin's wharves yesterday.
The New Zealand Forest Certification Association has been included in an internationally recognised ecolabel which could open up new opportunities for forest owners, manufacturers and exporters.