About $8000 in government funding will help two Otago organisations highlight climate change issues as part of World Environment Day.
Dry weather has led to concerns Ball Shelter in the Aoraki Mt Cook National Park could fall victim to a shifting moraine wall.
New Zealand reptiles, including Otago Peninsula's jewelled gecko, are being illegally traded in Europe, Wildlife Enforcement Group customs officer Colin Hitchcock, of Auckland, says.
Record fuel prices have forced Air New Zealand's domestic fare prices up for the second time in two months, again by an average 3%.
As the main fishing season for coastal brown trout rivers closes tomorrow, Fish and Game Otago believes compliance with regulations has been higher than expected.
The last chapter of a story which started in a prisoner of war camp during World War 2 ended yesterday when Karitane man David Ellison handed a diary filled with soldiers' stories of illness and death to its original author's family.
A pest which has the potential to devastate New Zealand's horticulture and vegetable industry has been found in an undeclared mandarin at Dunedin International Airport.
Dunedin businesses are being disadvantaged by increasing incidents of vandalism and it is time something is done, Dunedin finance company chief executive Allan Hewitt says.
Guidelines for management of the Kauru River in North Otago will give users and its community some certainty, Otago Regional Council engineering and hazards committee chairman Stephen Woodhead says.
People made the most of their day off yesterday, hitting the shops for the Anzac Day sales.
A new catchment programme in the Cromwell Basin has the potential to bring people together and tackle more than just land sustainability issues, Otago Regional councillor Gretchen Robertson says.
It will be another six months before further information on flood mitigation measures for the lower Taieri will be available, Otago Regional Council environmental engineering and natural hazards director Gavin Palmer says.
On the eve of regional councils being required to oversee dangerous dams, a lack of dam safety regulations is just ‘‘nonsense'', Otago Regional Council chairman Stephen Cairns says.
A 46% INCREASE in bus patronage for the first quarter of this year is pleasing, but the rise is not big enough to sustain the investment the Otago Regional Council has made in improving Dunedin's public transport system, Cr Michael Deaker says.
Three Dunedin women say they are closer than sisters and can tell each other anything, thanks to the shared experience of serving in the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC) during World War 2.
History was made at the Otago Regional Council compliance committee meeting yesterday, when a substitute chairman had to be elected, after the two councillors who usually led it did not attend.
With two weeks left until submissions for the Otago Regional Council's annual plan close, 10 submissions have been received.
They were the "silent army'' keeping the home fires burning, while the men fought for their lives and their country in foreign lands.
Options for reducing the flood hazard on the lower Taieri are to be considered by the Otago Regional Council.
Trudging along in the great outdoors in ill-fitting clothes will soon be a thing of the past, says a Dunedin designer who is releasing a new clothing line for the female hunter.