People thinking about building or developing on any of Otago's alluvial fans need to be aware of the risks they are taking and use the information recently released by the Otago Regional Council, councillors say.
Federated Farmers says the "vast majority" of dairy farmers act responsibly on environmental matters.
Spiralling costs for flood protection works at Wanaka's Stoney Creek may mean residents will face a special rate for the work - about four years after they successfully campaigned to have the costs shared.
Concerns about the impact of intensive dairy farming along the Manuherikia River have led the Clutha Fisheries Trust to do its own environmental monitoring of the waterway.
Claims by Otago Conservator Jeff Connell that Otago Fish and Game is being "mischievous" in commenting about tenure review and the Nevis River have been dismissed by the Otago Fish and Game Council.
A review of the management status of the Nevis River is to be considered by the Otago Fish and Game Council.
The South Island saddleback has returned to the mainland with 34 birds released into their new home within the Orokonui Ecosanctuary yesterday.
The Hunter River is too small to accommodate both jet-boaters and anglers, the Otago Fish and Game Council says.
Otago could experience an "up and down" weather pattern as it heads into autumn, MetService's seasonal outlook through to May predicts.
Research is beginning into how Dunedin's "unique combination" of old houses and cold climate affects how homes here can be made warmer, healthier and more environmentally friendly.
A major step in protecting the genetic diversity of a critically endangered western Otago skink has been taken with the transfer of five skinks to a specialist wildlife park in Christchurch.
Fear of the repercussions families back home in Fiji could face is restricting what Dunedin Fijians feel they can say about the political unrest.
The chances of Fiji re-establishing a constitution under a caretaker prime minister, who is also the military leader, are not impossible but are "stacked against it", University of Otago constitutional law specialist Assoc Prof Andrew Geddis says.
A fire in the bedroom of a student flat in Northeast Valley last week was a timely reminder for tenants and landlords to clean chimneys and check smoke detectors as cooler weather sets in, the Otago Polytechnic Students Association says.
A 37-year-old Invercargill man had a lucky escape after being trapped against the control gates of Lake Te Anau yesterday after falling from his jet ski.
One has a chandelier, another a dishwasher, others satellite TV and solar panels.
Seeing a wood pigeon or kereru fly into a window with such violence it is killed is a distressing experience some Dunedin bird lovers hope not to go through again.
A lack of food on Codfish Island has resulted in 21 kakapo chicks being moved to a special hand-rearing facility in Invercargill to improve the critically endangered parrots' chances of survival.
Criticisms of regional councils and their abilities to protect the environment might lead some to question their future, but their demise was not being considered by Environment Minister Nick Smith, his spokesman said yesterday.
Queenstown and the Hakataramea Valley recorded some of the lowest temperatures in New Zealand last month, while the rest of Otago experienced usual or near usual conditions for the time of year.