The fringe is a blur. The festival is only four days old and it's already feeling like a ride on a runaway train in a burlesque fun park.
Well, that was nerve-racking!
The 2010 Dunedin Fringe Festival began with a colourful splash in the Octagon yesterday.
The Dunedin Fringe Festival dons its funny hat today, tips it to a rakish angle and prepares to tickle the city with a feather for the next 11 days.
The Dunedin Fringe Festival takes art into new territory today. Nigel Benson previews the Blue Oyster Performance Series.
It was Perfect in Dunedin for Scottish songstress Eddi Reader MBE yesterday.
Work started on painting Otago's $200 million Forsyth Barr Stadium yesterday. And, surprisingly, red and black were the most popular colour choices for the new home of Otago rugby.
The Central Otago District Arts Trust will hold its first meeting at Central Stories today.
Dunedin artist Ivan Hill has painted a world a little less grim. He talks to Nigel Benson.
It's been the scene of mariners, mystery and murder. But its new gig is music. Nigel Benson visits Chick's Hotel.
"So ... why don't you come and stay a night in 'the murder room'," Chick's publican Hector Hazard asks with a smile.
The Southern Sinfonia is warming up for the start of its international series. Nigel Benson previews the sounds of the season.
American peace martyr Rachel Corrie was heart-rendingly resurrected by Nadya Shaw Bennett at Allen Hall on Thursday night.
Two hitmen will be waiting for the audience to arrive at the Globe Theatre tonight.
The Royal New Zealand Ballet begins its national tour in Dunedin tonight, and it's going to be a triple treat. Nigel Benson previews "From Here to There".
Dunedin would be spoiled for choice during the 2010 fringe festival, artists and supporters were told at the festival launch in the Regent Theatre last night.
The Fortune Theatre Trust hopes a Creative New Zealand-funded review will help the theatre bounce back from a difficult 2009.
Dunedin will link with 130 cities around the world tomorrow in a unique international fundraising initiative for Haitian earthquake victims.
Tim Bartlett hung out with Big Ted, Jemima and Humpty Dumpty when he last lived in Dunedin.
Music does a time warp this weekend as some of Dunedin's old rockers turn it up at the Captain Cook Hotel. Nigel Benson revisits the '70s.