Three intoxicated teenage boys were picked up by Wanaka police from Spencer Mall in Dunmore St at 1.20pm on Saturday and returned to their parents, after a member of the public reported concerns about their condition.
The 71st Upper Clutha A & P Show was a resounding success, with organisers estimating the best attendance figures yet.
Up to 100 people waited for an hour at the Upper Clutha A and P Show in Wanaka yesterday to see National Party leader John Key open his mouth.
It is a case of better late than never for Lake Hawea boaties, who can begin using a new jetty that was supposed to be installed before Christmas.
The calling off of next week's Wings and Wheels Over Waikato Airshow has not surprised members of the Wanaka aviation community, who say they have long felt the competing event might not happen.
Award-Winning writer Eleanor Adams (14), of Wanaka, has plenty of tales to tell but the best news of all yesterday was that her father, Quentin Adams, would be there.
Warbirds Over Wanaka spectators at Easter can expect a New Zealand-first exhibition in the form of a live and loud gun-firing demonstration from a Curtiss P-40 Kittyhawk.
A 17-year-old Wanaka youth has been arrested and charged with two counts of dangerous driving causing death and two counts of dangerous driving causing injury.