Selwyn Wilkinson was in full flight, telling tourists about his time inside the Otago Corrections Facility at Milburn when staff tapped on his van window.
Harnessing nuclear fusion to create cheap, safe energy is moving closer to reality and a former Dunedin man is hoping to play a part. Kim Dungey reports.
Adam Hall has come a long way since his days at Taieri College. Kim Dungey reports.
A man who helped lead the student volunteer army after the 2011 Christchurch earthquake says the city will always be home, but it's time to move on.
Former Class Act recipient Kelly Smith has traded Central Otago for a remote windswept island in the Southern Ocean. Kim Dungey reports.
They're the generation who demand cutting-edge technology, greater work-life balance and fast-track promotions. So how are some of our high-school highest achievers getting on in the world? Kim Dungey tracks down the Otago Daily Times Class Act recipients from 2005 and finds out what they are up to.
Big enough for a crowd, yet cosy enough for two, this Cromwell house offers the best of both worlds. Kim Dungey reports.
Robert and Duncan Sarkies' new feature film is a funny, disturbed road trip through the Catlins. Kim Dungey reports.
An English couple have built a small, sustainable home and an idyllic lifestyle in Central Otago. Kim Dungey reports.
Attention to detail has made this Waitati house a winner. Kim Dungey reports.
Two Dunedin brothers have been in a prime position to witness changes on Otago Harbour in recent years. Kim Dungey reports.
Take three sheds, mix in lots of vision and a little money, and the result is Gerry Thompson's house. Kim Dungey reports.
The ageing space invaders machine in the lounge still gets a work-out. Participants in the Dunedin longitudinal study have gathered around it every time they have been called back for a new round of tests.
When Chris Bates was told she had Parkinson's disease, she and her husband went out and celebrated. Of all the diagnoses she could have left her neurologist's office with, the disease of the...
Originally a Jewish synagogue, then home to another minority group - the Freemasons - this Dunedin building recently gained heritage recognition. Kim Dungey reports.
Ian Taylor's computer graphics business has gone global. Now he's been named a World Class New Zealander. Kim Dungey reports.
Men's sheds have always been a feature of the Kiwi garden. But now communal sheds popping up in town centres are as much about socialising as solitude. Kim Dungey peeks inside.
Ships are part of man's endeavour - exploration, trade, war, aid, immigration, transport and tourism - and the memories of them have become part of those who have been on board. Kim Dungey takes a look at 'Ship Shape', the Hocken Gallery's new exhibition.
New Zealand has a shocking child-abuse record but the social workers dealing with the heartache behind the headlines are a mystery to most people. Kim Dungey was given rare access to spend a day at Child, Youth and Family.
As the newer pursuit of leisure marching takes centre stage in Dunedin this weekend, a group of women have been reflecting on a time when competitive marching was at its peak. Kim Dungey reports.