The Dunedin Fire Brigade Restoration Society is on a roll, and has taken five more old machines, mainly fire appliances, into its safekeeping over the past two years.
Cattle are a much bigger factor than rats and mice in spreading the devastating disease leptospirosis in northern Tanzania, University of Otago research suggests.
Former Dunedin songwriter and performer Anthonie Tonnon says his planned live shows at the Otago Museum planetarium will help him to compete successfully against ''the golden age of television''.
Ecologist Henrik Moller is keen to develop a partnership between University of Otago researchers and ''Flip the Fleet'', a citizen science coalition of people who drive electric vehicles.
Genetic discoveries in the past 20 years have revolutionised scientific understanding of severe forms of epilepsy, researcher Associate Prof Lynette Sadleir says.
As the Otago Museum prepares to celebrate its 150th anniversary later this year, John Gibb talked to Otago Museum director Ian Griffin about his first five years at the museum, the achievements and further challenges.
A long-standing partnership between Otago Polytechnic and the Blueskin Bay Library at Waitati moved to a higher level on Friday when polytechnic students ran a successful computer help desk there.
A 19th-century steam locomotive, A66, which survived a damaging fire at a Dunedin restaurant in 1988, seems likely to add to its long and colourful history by returning to the city later this...
The launch of the new University of Otago Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Public Policy this week came with a caution it was important to be "up front" in addressing community concerns about...
The Government has begun a review of NCEA and is calling for schools, pupils, parents, employers and training organisations to share their ideas about what could make the qualification better. John...
The Otago Museum plans to spend up to a million dollars over the next five years to extend its sprinkler system to cover the remaining 40% of the museum complex.
New Zealand's system of $5 prescription charges creates a barrier for some people and ''prevents them getting the medicines they need'', University of Otago academic Prof Pauline Norris warns.
Zonta Club of Dunedin-Otago past-president Marie Thomson, Zonta district 16 (New Zealand) governor Janet Hope (centre), and New Zealand Women's Empowerment Principles committee chairwoman Vicky Mee...
A dozen people used a drop-in centre set up by Aurora Energy during a planned power outage in Andersons Bay, Dunedin, yesterday and the service could be offered again during future planned outages.