Spring on the farm means lambs, daffodils and blossom, right? Well, it wasn't supposed to this year - not for us.
Tui and bellbirds, kereru and silvereyes, welcome swallows and rosellas, fantails and beautiful bright yellowhammers: all these and more are frequent visitors to our garden. Living on the edge...
Water, water everywhere. That's what I'll be having soon.
Just because James Bond has been relegated to the MGM subs bench with Bilbo Baggins (movies featuring both are in finanical trouble), it doesn't mean he is forgotten. You can give yourself...
Robin Hoods are like lovers - most of us have fond memories of our first. Many a teenage girl got goose bumps in the 1980s listening to Clannad singing "Robin, the hooded man" - at...
I have found the cure for jetlag.
Since Dunedin virtually disappeared off international air travel schedules, more and more southern travellers are flying out of Christchurch. But there's more to see in that venerable city than just an international terminal, as Janice Murphy finds out.
For years Cargill's Castle has been a ruin, but in the late 1950s and early 1960s, former Dunedin woman Val Wilson called it home. Janice Murphy goes with her on a trip down memory lane.
Around the world, honeybees are in decline. And with the steady journey south of the varroa mite, we in the South will soon need to take action to keep things buzzing along.
Keen vegetable gardener Bart Acres runs the Otepoti Urban Organics website and has set up a new seed bank for southern gardeners.
Permaculture - "permanent agriculture" - started as a method of creating a sustainable abundance of food, while taking care of the planet. But it didn't stop there, and now it is a design philosophy for every human endeavour. Janice Murphy talks to permaculture teacher Peta Hudson.
For those still deciding whether to take up the Energywise home insulation offer, Janice Murphy finds out how it's done.
It may have started with vegetables, but the trend to backyard food production is gathering pace and keeping hens is hot right now.
Following a fondness for fungi that started in primary school, Janice Murphy enjoys growing her own mushrooms.
A Pine Hill couple's love of gardening has them in the running for the national Housing New Zealand Garden Awards, Janice Murphy reports.
Dunedin to Beijing return for $1070; Timaru to Vancouver return, $2010; sound like pretty good deals, don't they? Oh, and I forgot to tell you, those return fares are for two people, not one.
Sick of Sydney? Bored with Brisbane and the Gold Coast? Then it's time to take a look at the treasures in between. Janice Murphy takes a trip on the Pacific Coast Touring Route.
Endless beaches, lovely weather, good food and friendly people - what more could you ask for in a holiday destination? Janice Murphy falls in love with Port Stephens, in New South Wales.
There are weeks when not much seems to go right, and it can be hard to look on the bright side. And this week I've been flattened by flu.
If all the world's a stage, my sheep are busy actors on it - they certainly have their exits and their entrances, even if they mainly play in crowd scenes.