Despite turning 110 today, Maudie Wilson insists she is nothing out of the ordinary.
Myah Tasker had a very special 7th birthday yesterday.
Dr Mary Hardy, of the United States, speaks to a mostly medical audience in Dunedin yesterday about combining alternative therapies with conventional medicine to reduce the side effects of cancer treatment and to garner other health benefits.
The Ministry of Health is unable to say what the public will be able to glean from information to be stored on a new national register of cardiac surgery incidents.
South Island district health boards are yet to appoint any of the dedicated cancer care co-ordination nurses to the roles announced in last year's budget.
The Southern District Health Board is still drawing up a plan to fit in about 220 extra Dunedin Hospital colonoscopies without creating lengthy waiting times.
Dunedin Hospital patients are now waiting up to 40 weeks for a routine MRI scan, with efforts to reduce wait times mostly yet to bear fruit.
Ranfurly Medical Centre could benefit from a proposed tightening of the funding formula used for rural practices, practice manager Dianne Byrne says.
Arguments between unions and district health boards over how many nurses hospitals need could be eliminated by new software that shows what patients need, the director of a unit that oversees the system says.
Many of the more than 13,000 people who signed a petition calling for the Southern District Health Board to reinstate two dropped home-care support providers did not understand what they were signing, board member Neville Cook says.
The private healthcare system relies on the public system when things go wrong, and should be more transparent about its fees, Prof Robin Gauld said in a lecture in Dunedin last night.
Many diabetics appear to be hanging on to the old glucose strips and meters for as long as possible.
The New Zealand Aged Care Association has been labelled ''cynical'' for deciding to carry out a review of the sector close to a general election.
The greater-than-usual early uptake of influenza vaccine this year probably reflects warnings New Zealand could be in for a bad season, a Dunedin GP practice manager says.
A group of Vietnamese orthopaedic surgeons from the city of Quy Nhon have been in Dunedin this week, observing hip and knee surgery.
The high number of patients waiting for urgent orthopaedic surgery at Dunedin Hospital are being managed by cancelling non-urgent surgery, surgical medical director Murray Fosbender says.
Mental health and intellectual disability services provider Pact says it will appeal an Employment Relations Authority finding that it misled negotiators and breached the collective agreement in the 2011 bargaining round.
The Southern District Health Board is again at risk of exceeding its approved deficit, and could end the year about $13.7 million in the red unless changes are made, board members heard yesterday.
People attending meetings seeking answers from the Southern District Health Board about why it dumped Presbyterian Support Otago (PSO) and others in a shake-up of home-based services ''left happy'', the board heard yesterday.
While the Southern District Health Board's $42 million cost-savings plan has ''merit'', the savings are not enough, says the Treasury in a report on the board's financial state.