Improving housing and nutrition would do more good for children than giving them free doctors' visits, Dunedin GP Susie Lawless says.
The Green Party's top two MPs could be co-deputy prime ministers in a Green-Labour government, co-leader Metiria Turei says.
A handful of jobs are set to transfer from Dunedin to Christchurch as a result of new management of the South's breast-screening programme, Pacific Radiology Group has confirmed.
Ross Home and Hospital, in Dunedin, is likely to be in lockdown until Monday, following a gastroenteritis outbreak.
Complaints from Southern District Health Board staff about strange smells in a dental unit were put down to it being new, and nothing was done, the board has confirmed.
Dunedin Hospital has been hit by a ''perfect storm'' of two different gastroenteritis bugs, patient services medical director Dick Bunton says.
It is unfair to expect the cash-strapped Southern District Health Board to find a million dollars to fix leaks at Dunedin Hospital, Labour health spokeswoman Annette King says.
Academics whose work sparked worldwide debate about wealth inequality will give a public lecture in Dunedin next week.
Two wards at Dunedin Hospital are under tight restrictions because of a diarrhoea and vomiting outbreak.
The bill for repairing Dunedin Hospital's leaks will be at least $1 million, Southern District Health Board chairman Joe Butterfield says.
Some of the best fleeces in the nation will be on show in Mosgiel on Friday.
Fluoride does not adversely affect IQ development in children, a Dunedin study just published in an academic journal says.
An Australian-owned health provider hopes to take over the Dunedin-based National Poisons Centre under the merger being pushed by the Ministry of Health.
Delwyn Crawford counts herself lucky her cancer was detected, as she could have ignored a ''flat patch'' of skin under one breast.
About 80% of aged-care providers are expected to refuse to sign a 1% funding increase offered by the Government.
Swift action by the Southern District Health Board to withdraw mobile oral health units potentially contaminated by formaldehyde has been praised.
Free GP visits and prescriptions for children under 13 was the surprise feature of the health announcements in yesterday's Budget.
Enrolling unconscious patients in medical trials is not unethical, and should probably happen more, a University of Otago philosopher says.
Patients will soon be able to rate their time in hospital.
Southern District Health Board members are to be issued with iPads to view meeting reports, instead of receiving paper copies.