The Southern District Health Board has been jointly ranked the poorest performing board in a survey of senior doctors.
More parents are taking their children to the GP than expected under the new under-13 scheme.
Officials were given permission to increase Southern District Health Board commissioner Kathy Grant's pay to compensate for the risk to her reputation from making unpopular decisions.
The flu season is quieter in the South than other regions, but its effects are starting to be felt keenly.
A ''small influx'' of families to Outram Playcentre is probably just enough to stave off the possibility of closure, treasurer Rachel McNeill says.
New rental rules announced yesterday are better suited to Auckland's booming property market than Dunedin's ageing rental stock, a social sector leader warned last night.
An apparent rise in the number of suicides has prompted a call for improvements to southern mental health services.
The Dunedin doctor at the centre of the Colin Bouwer poisoning case has dismissed new claims aired in a television programme.
A Dunedin gastroenterologist is to lead the New Zealand component of a worldwide study into the causes of Crohn's disease.
Five Dunedin posties have taken voluntary redundancy in the mail delivery service scale down, New Zealand Post has confirmed.
Problems with the Royal District Nursing Service's call centre are unacceptable, and specialist health call centre consultants from Australia have come up with a fix, chief executive Todd Perkinson says.
The physio pool fundraising campaign is moving into a different phase, as it can start to tentatively plan a long-term future, Otago Therapeutic Pool Trust secretary-treasurer Neville Martin says.
Orthopaedic surgery at Dunedin Hospital is not adequately staffed to provide a safe training environment, Dunedin Hospital orthopaedic surgeon Prof Jean-Claude Theis says.
Losing orthopaedic trainees at Dunedin Hospital is a ''big blow for the South'', Dunedin North MP David Clark says.
''Cosy'' is the best way to describe the makeshift arrangements at Aurora Health Centre in the aftermath of the June flood, manager Sharon Smith says.
Surgical trainees have been warned to avoid seeking placement at Dunedin Hospital, because its trainee orthopaedic surgeon positions have been removed for a year.
All but one Otago GP practice has agreed to provide free consultations to children under 13, WellSouth Primary Health Network chief executive Ian Macara says.
The Trans Pacific Partnership is a ''geopolitical contest'' between the United States and China, University of Auckland law professor Jane Kelsey says.
Joining the war on terror ended up compromising New Zealand's good name, investigative journalist Jon Stephenson believes.
The increasingly fraught tension between New Zealand's competing military, intelligence, and trade objectives was a focus of the University of Otago's 50th annual Foreign Policy School at the weekend. Eileen Goodwin reports.