The senior doctors' union and the Southern District Health Board appear to be trying to resolve a dispute with a Dunedin emergency department specialist.
Southern District Health Board chief executive Carole Heatly has been appointed to the advisory group of a national patient safety campaign.
The silence around suicide is not working, and moves to open up the issue are to be encouraged, a Pacific Island suicide prevention workshop convener says.
Thirteen Dunedin Contact Energy customers on pre-paid power are medically dependent on the supply, and their power could disconnect if not topped up, the power company says.
The Southern District Health Board is considering moving annual financial planning back to a dedicated committee, as it is "struggling" in this area, chairman Joe Butterfield says.
The Southern District Health Board needs to provide timely surgery this month or it could lose incentive funding for elective surgery.
Dunedin-based South Link Health Services (SLHS) is considering building a GP practice serving up to 10,000 people on the Southland Hospital site in Invercargill.
Should doctors use more "clinical instinct" to diagnose patients to reduce the number of scans?
A five-fold rise in notified whooping cough cases this year is not statistically significant, Public Health South medical officer of health Dr Marion Poore told a Southern District Health Board committee yesterday.
Presbytarian Support Otago has restructured its Family Works service, resulting in one redundancy.
The safest car trip is the one never taken.
Otago patients are being offered routine MRI scans in Invercargill because waiting lists are too long at Dunedin Hospital, a report to a Southern District Health Board committee says.
Button-size batteries pose a growing risk to children and the elderly which can be countered by a multi-country effort, government regulators at a world safety conference in Wellington say.
The Southern District Health Board's rate of electroconvulsive therapy, at more than double the national average, is the highest in New Zealand, the latest report of the director of mental health shows.
The Southern District Health Board will handle all communications for the burgeoning South Island Alliance, starting in November.
Quad bike manufacturers have adopted the tactics of the tobacco industry to avoid regulations, a University of Sydney academic will tell next week's Safety 2012 World Conference in Wellington.
The Chief Coroner and the media have set New Zealand firmly on a path that deviates from international best practice in loosening the restrictions around reporting suicide, a New Zealand Medical Journal editorial co-written by a University of Otago academic says.
It is too soon to say whether an innovative "joint clinic" for osteoarthritis patients is alleviating GPs' frustrations over lack of access to Dunedin orthopaedic services, Dr Haxby Abbott says.
Swallowing is something we take for granted.However, Dunedin woman Margaret Fisher not only had to learn to swallow again after an extremely rare type of stroke, she needs to be conscious of each and every one.
Rising use of synthetic cannabis is having a "significant impact" in mental-health wards and is partly to blame for increasing assaults on staff, Otago mental-health nursing director Heather Casey says.