Finance Minister Bill English remains the favourite to take over as prime minister next week when John Key resigns but others are showing interest in the top job.
The recent earthquakes that affected Wellington would heighten the focus on building performance as well as the financial strength of landlords, Forsyth Barr broker Lyn Howe said yesterday.
The New Zealand dollar and NZX will remain under pressure this week following the announcement yesterday of the resignation of Prime Minister John Key.
The Government accounts should provide a rosy picture of the New Zealand economy but Labour finance spokesman Grant Robertson says the time has come for a debate on how to use the growing surpluses.
Finance Minister Bill English has an ideal platform on Thursday to launch his campaign to become prime minister, if he is seriously contemplating his options.
Most National Party MPs face the most important decision of their careers this week as the lobbying starts on who will replace John Key as Prime Minister and party leader.
Carpet manufacturer Godfrey Hirst has abandoned its attempts to stop what it calls the creation of a monopoly in the New Zealand wool scouring industry.
Two Dunedin companies and one from Queenstown have made it into the 2016 Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia-Pacific Index, Dunedin company Timely again proving what a star it has become.
New Zealand’s terms of trade fell in the three months ended September but the recent recovery in dairy prices is expected to lift trade figures next year.
The Government is pouring nearly $2.5 million into the Southland economy to support the region, which aims to attract 10,000 more people there by 2025.
The Government's made a good start to restoring neglected regions with its funding for Southland's strategic plan, but there's more work to do, Labour economic development spokesman David Clark says.
Trilogy International's strong result for the six months ended September was not unexpected as it was largely announced at the September annual meeting, brokers said yesterday.
Potentially higher interest costs and volatile foreign exchange rates represent the top credit risks for Asia-Pacific next year, S&P Global Ratings says.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has set the New Zealand Government tasks to help stimulate economic expansion and make economic growth more inclusive.
New Zealand's economic news gets animated from tomorrow onwards, depending on Statistics New Zealand being able to publish its reports as scheduled and in full.
Dunedin brokers are disappointed miner Oceana Gold is planning to delist from the NZX main board at the end of next month but say it is a sign of the times.